Call 811 Before you dig
We are committed to the safety of our customers, our employees, and our communities. All of our gas-service employees undergo regular training and are certified for the jobs they do.
24 Hour Emergency Contact Numbers:
1-800-777-0659 (Orange, Lawrence, Dubois, Crawford, Harrison counties)
1-800-778-0659 (Brown and Bartholomew Counties)
Indiana law requires all persons engaged in machine excavation work to contact the Indiana Underground Plant Protection Service 2 full working days before digging will begin, for utility locates. Click here for Indiana 811 online single-address locate request.
Important Safety Reminder:
Some natural gas facilities are installed permanently above ground, including regulator settings, meters, above ground valves, and piping. Damaging these facilities, especially with any motor
vehicle or farm equipment, could result in death, injury, severe property damage, and a large bill. Call our office if you require additional information about such facilities on or near your property.
Free Excavation Safety Training!
The Utility Regulatory Commission has launched a new, upgraded version of Indiana's free, online training system - including new, homeowner specific training! Check it out! SafeDigIndiana.com
Natural Gas facilities are designed to withstand expected conditions and weather. However, weather events like tornados, flash floods, or strong lightning can damage gas facilities. If you note any damage to a gas facility due to storm damage or suspect a gas leak, move away from the vicinity and call us at our 24 hour emergency number so we can inspect the issue and correct any problems in a safe manner. 800-777-0659
Excess Flow Valves are underground safety devices installed on some underground service lines that can stop the flow of natural gas if the line gets cut or breaks underground. ING began installing excess flow valves on new services for single family homes in 2007. If your home is older than that, or your gas service is for a commercial building or multi-family residence, you probably do not have an excess flow valve installed. Indiana Natural Gas can install excess flow valves on older and larger services. If you are interested, contact us to set up a consultation on where it might be installed for your service line and a quote on the cost, which may range between $500 and $3000.
Natural Gas Pipelines
Today a network of 2 million miles of natural gas pipelines exists in the United States. These pipelines quietly, reliably, and efficiently deliver natural gas throughout the country for domestic, commercial, and industrial use. Natural gas pipelines are among the safest methods of tramsporting energy.

Natural Gas is:
A colorless, odorless (we add the rotten-eggs smell), tasteless fossil fuel that is clean burning.
Not a product like oil.
Lighter than air - it rises and disperses rapidly into the atmosphere unlike heavier petroleum products.
Not easily ignited on its own. To burn, natural gas requires both a precise amount of oxygen and an ignition source.

Pipelines must meet all applicable state and federal regulations. We often exceed these requirements. We have taken several key steps to ensure the safety of the community and our employees:
Our pipelines are built to high industry standards and are inspected by qualified people before being placed into service.
Markers listing our 24-hour phone numbers are posted at key locations.
Patrols and surveys are conducted on a regular basis.
It is a federal crime for any person to deliberately damage, destroy or remove any pipeline sign or right-of-way marker. It is also against the law to damage or destroy pipeline facilities.
Excavation work, grading or digging are the most frequent causes of pipeline damage and failures.
Before you dig call Indiana 811, two working days in advance!
How do I Identify Natural Gas Pipelines?
Pipelines are marked where appropriate by above-ground markers to provide an identification of their presence, approximate location, and contact information.
Easements and franchises provide us with permanent, limited access to the land to enable us to operate, test, inspect, maintain, and protect the pipeline.
If a pipeline crosses your property, please do not plant, place, or build anything on or near the right-of-way without first having our personnel mark the pipeline, stake the easement, and explain the company's construction guidelines to you.

Recognizing a Natural Gas Leak
Here are some ways you can detect a natural gas leak:
Gaseous (similar to rotten eggs) or hydrocarbon odor - you may not always be able to detect by smell.
A hissing or roaring sound caused by escaping gas.
Dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green setting near a natural gas line.
Blowing dirt, grass or leaves near a natural gas line.
A dry spot in moist earth.
Water bubbling or being blown into the air at a pond, creek, or river.
Flame coming from the ground or from valves along pipelines.
What to do about a Natural Gas Leak:
Leave the area immediately!
Avoid using potential ignition sources, such as motor vehicles or equipment, phones, doorbells, garage door openers, or electric switches.
When clear of the area call Indiana Natural Gas or 911.
Do not try to extinguish a gas fire or operate any pipeline valves.
When planning outdoor work that requires digging such as planting a tree, putting in a new children's play set, or excavating for construction, visit www.811Now.com or call 811 before you dig. Indiana Natural Gas is a member of Indiana 811, a free statewide service created to reduce damage to underground facilities and promote public safety by lowering the number of damage incidents. This is important because digging can be expensive and dangerous. Each year, millions of dollars in property damage, personal injuries, and even loss of life occur because of careless digging where underground facilities were not located prior to excavating.
Follow these steps before you begin your project:
1. Once you have planned your project, visit www.811Now.com or call 811 to submit your request at least 2 full working days before digging.
2. Provide the following information about the location and plans for your project:
Street Address
Type of Work
Your Name and Title
Telephone Number
Best Time to Call
Start Date and Time
Contractor's Name and Address
3. Wait for member facility owners or operators to mark the proposed excavation site.
4. Respect the marks. Once all utilities are checked, the ground will be marked with either a dotted line or a flag with "OK" painted on the ground. Dotted lines indicate underground lines and a flag and "OK" mean that there are no facility lines in that location and the area has been checked. Red, yellow, orange, and blue markers should be present before you dig, indicating that all necessary utility lines have been checked.
5. Dig with care.
For more information about Indiana 811, visit www.811Now.com.